Sunday, December 14, 2008

Etsy Find: Vintage Inspired Jewelry

While browsing through the C.A.S.T. (Christian Artist Street Team) Etsy member sites, I came across Vintage Inspired Jewelry! She has amazing pieces!! Her work is gorgeous! Here are some pictures:


Unknown said...

Love the two photos second from the bottom...the orange tulip shaped earrings and the one to the left.Thanks for introducing me to this group!

Cheryl said...

Aren't these just BEAUTIFUL!!!

Hi, I was looking for wives of Worship leaders and found you! My husband is worship leader at Church of the Holy Spirit - The River in Blacksburg, VA ...a far cry from NYC, mind you! Have you heard of the new AMiA mission in NYC? I'll have to look up the church name.

So glad to meet you! Would love to have you visit sometime!

Peace of the Lord,


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